
     ARCADIA is the first system of its kind in the world - an active data reviewing system, that takes the place of the investigator all together. All of ARCADIA and it's meter devices have been custom built and engineered to give ideal readings for their desired function. The actual computer interfaced A/D converter has 11 separate 10 bit analog channels, two binary channels, and one status output. All of ARCADIA's hardware and software was built by me, JDF, of GhostGadgets.com, which allows for every device to be built to my own specifications. The entire system, and every device, is powered by one one regulated power supply of -5v, ground, and +13v. The system is also capable of running off of battery power for several hours, when an AC outlet is not available. The bulk of the system is in the software, though, thousands of lines of code, written in Java 2, with native interface calls to C++, ARCADIA's software interface is a platform in itself. The system is capable of a continuos log of data from each desired channel, but it's trademark feature is the anomaly-logging algorithm.

     All natural fields have a theoretical "norm" for their fluctuations, for example, temperature typically shouldn't fluctuate more than say, 2 degrees in a 5 minute time span (just using this as an example, the actual slope is dependent upon the meter used, and environmental conditions). Another is the Earth's static magnetic field, a commonly overlooked field that plays a key factor in these perceived anomalies. Typically, the Earth's static magnetic field should not fluctuate more than +-.0068 Gauss from a calculated "average" baseline, anything above this range is from a local static magnetic field entering the meter's field. From hundreds of hours of control site runs, I was able to calculate programming algorithms that could define if a reading is anomalous or not, based on a baseline established for 30 seconds at the beginning of the run.

     When an anomaly becomes apparent to ARCADIA, the system immediately prints the last "n" minutes of data from that channel to a file, and then begins logging all data in real-time from that channel. The system will log until no anomalous readings are sent for a designated time period, hence the field has stabilized again. The result for each run - One log summary file, containing channel/device placement information, baselines, and thresholds, and separate files for each given anomaly (ideally 0 in a control site). Each anomaly file will contain digital data for that channel, a set number of minutes before the anomaly, and after the anomaly ends. The data is saved in a tab-delimited text file, containing two columns - one with the formatted time, resolved to .001 seconds, and second with the channel reading at the given time, converted to the corresponding unit of measurement, depended on the device attached to the channel (i.e., degrees Fahrenheit, Gauss, Tesla, etc.). Click here for to see example anomalous graphs from actual investigations. Currently, ARCADIA has logged over 200 hours in the field, research site, and desired investigations.

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